Helga Birgden
Global Business Leader
Responsible Investment
Helga Birgden is Global Business Leader in Mercer's Responsible Investment business. Helga provides investment advice to Trustees, Directors and Investment Committees on fiduciary developments, environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues and climate change. She helped lead both of Mercer’s global climate change studies 2011 and 2015 including the global report on Investing in a Time of Climate Change which represent portfolios investing US$3 Trillion. She provides advice on climate governance for transitioning to low carbon portfolios, portfolio modelling and scenario analysis. She has prepared research for multilateral institutions both on climate change and systemic social risks for multi-lateral institutions such as the International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group G20 and United Nations. Helga advises pension funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, endowments and insurers on responsible investment on many complex assignments. She joined Mercer in 2007 and has worked in the industry for more than 20 years.